Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Where Have We Been?

You may have thought we temporarily disappeared... sometimes I wish I could temporarily disappear, but life is still marching on. Most mornings I wake up to a little girl with the world's best bed head whispering, "Mama, I have to go potty," and other mornings it's just the faint whimper of a 6 week old who seems to think that he's starving after not eating for a whole HOUR... either way it brings me out of my sleepy bliss and occasional dream and into the world of reality. I'm trying to make the best of the fact that most days I don't get out of my pj's until nap time by embracing our mornings with deliciousness like whole wheat, banana, chocolate chip pancakes...

And then my sweet 6 week old reminds me what the pancakes will look like once they have been consumed twice and run through a good set of intestines...

Yeah, it had been too long since you've experienced baby poop hadn't it?

You can thank me later... or by coming over and changing the next one. You have approximately 5 days, as this child prefers to hold it in for almost a week before letting it ALL out...

This bouncer has been washed 4 times. Every time it's been saturated in poop. I know, you were hoping I would talk more about deliciousness like pancakes instead of poop. Sorry. I had to deal with it during breakfast, so I thought I should share the love! ;)

The rest of our days have been filled with 1st grade soccer games, a little 9th grade football, finishing off the last of the giant bag of popsicles in our freezer, and snuggling with Daddy while he's home for short breaks between school, meetings, PT, and basketball. Oh, and of course, playing in our undies. Okay, allow me to clarify, I DO wear clothes around here (even if it is just my pj's). When I say "our" I clearly meant "Madelyn"...


I promise to post more often and less about poop!

Happy Fall! =)

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