Sunday, November 27, 2011

Black Friday!

Some people wait impatiently for 365 days until "black Friday" rolls around so that they can take their sleep deprived selves and hit the stores.

Some people wait in line for HOURS to save $5 on a pair of pants.

Some people spend all afternoon on Thanksgiving scouring the ads to make sure they don't miss the perfect deal. 

Some people actually accomplish all of their Christmas shopping in one morning.  

But not the Lambert girls!

We wait impatiently for 365 days for our favorite day of the whole year.  

Not because we're going to save much money. Not because we're going to stay up all night in hopes of being the first person to buy the $15 Lincoln Logs (**F**). 

But because we get to spend a morning together sipping on our favorite hot drinks (Unless you're J and you don't know how to drink a coffee, so you get a cold one ;) and talking about nothing.

 This year, two of our favorite baby boys came along and I'm pretty sure Emmitt didn't stop thinking, "I can't wait 'til I'm old enough to stay home with Dad!"  ...oh the joys of being drug along with the girls!

We relaxed. Smooched on the babies. Fummed through the ads without any plan in mind. Talked about Jess' new boyfriend and reveled in our "free time".

Aw. I love these girls.

363 days and counting!


  1. LOVE our coffee dates :) And for the record, I do drink hot coffee, I just wasn't feelin' it that morning! ;) Can't wait for next year!!!

  2. I can't wait either!! I won't even allow myself to think about the strong possibility that it was our last year all together on that day. :(
