Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Weekend Away...

It happened.  It finally happened. The stars aligned and Em and I were able to sneak off together for a weekend of fun in the sun with our Chrissy in beautiful Minneapolis!

Thanks to my wonderful SIL for her last guest pass we flew stand by and made it to our destination AND home on the anticipated days! Talk about a thrill. I must be getting seriously old if I feel like flying standby is a thrill. Wow. 

Anyway, it was fun and worth it, but we did spend plenty of hours strolling SeaTac killing time. Emmitt took it all in like a champ! Especially after being woken up at 3:00 in the morning to start the trip off! Whew. It sort of makes me tired just thinking about it...

I chose (wisely) not to bring my camera along as I already had plenty of things to haul on and off an airplane. So... we Instagram-ed our weekend and called it good.  

We relaxed, went on walks downtown/uptown (?!?), one or the other... drank coffee, ate at a deliciously hilarious organic cafe (seriously, we could have taken a field trip to meet the cow's mom we were eating if we wanted to), scarfed down "authentic" chinese food in the U-district, drove around Lake Calhoun and gawked at the immaculate houses, got caught in a thunderstorm, enjoyed a quick tour of the Minneapolis sculpture garden and finally spent our last few hours killing time at the Mall of America. 


So. Much. Fun. In such a short weekend. 

This sort of sums up Portlandia and Minneapolis - they're pretty much the same "style". 

Em may or may not have eaten almost a whole box of these over the weekend.  They were cheap entertainment, what can I say?!?!

It was perfect, quite perfect. Em was a little dream baby, especially considering how tired he was and our flights did not entail any screaming. I call that a complete success.  

Thanks for the wonderful memories, Christine! Can't wait 'til next time!!!

1 comment:

  1. How about any throwing up??? Because his sister sure likes to throw up on planes!!! ;)
