Saturday, August 18, 2012

Growin' Up!

This time next week our little monster will be ONE! I can't believe it's been a whole year since I was months (close enough) overdue with this little man.  And then he came like a thief in the night and he's melted our hearts ever since... He's got the smoochiest cheeks in the world, the bluest eyes on the planet and the flirtiest head tilts I've ever seen.  He already knows how to stick his lip out and tilt his head down when he wants sympathy and he has definitely got his Mama wrapped around his finger. 


It's rough being this cute. 

And it's no wonder he's earned himself the nickname Mr. Smooch'ems...


You'd smooch him too, if you could reach through your computer screen.  

A friend watched him for us during rehearsal dinner last week and she made the comment that he instantly started smiling and posing when she pulled her phone out.  He's used to the paparazzi, what can I say...

It's true though.  He's much easier to take pictures of than Madi because he thinks the camera is funny and the flash is even funnier! It's hard to resist not snapping way too many!

Alright, in other news, this boy's a walkin' and a talkin' and a gettin' himself into just about everything.  He LOVES being outside and he really loves playing with his sister!

This silly girl is the best big sister around! She's always looking out for her brother and taking care of the rest of us.  She packs snacks for him when I forget.  She remembers his blanket and almost always has a toy for Em in one of her gagillion bags.  I'm totally lost when she doesn't come with me.  It sucks trying to remember everything by yourself. What did I ever do before she was so self-sufficient? 

I'm so happy these two are the best of friends.  It's so cute to watch them play and laugh together.  I can't wait to watch their relationship develop even more as they grow up.  

The other day Madelyn wanted to try on my wedding ring and while she was putting it on I asked her if she ever planned on getting married.  She said yes.  I asked her who she wanted to marry and she said, "Um, Daddy, or maybe Emmitt if he ever turns free {three}." 

I'm sure she'll change her mind in a few years, but she sure does love her baby brudder!!!

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