Thursday, July 12, 2012


We've been spending our days in the sunshine! Taking long walks, going to swim lessons, eating at the park, playing in the backyard, splashing down the slip 'n slide, getting suntans, barbecuing, and enjoying friends and family.  I absolutely love long summer days, and I love how much time we get to spend together as a family! In the past, I've felt a tad bit guilty about all of our summer "free time" as a family, but after this last long winter and Matt working insane hours with school and coaching I told myself that I would enjoy every. last. minute. of time we got to spend together this summer, and I am!!!

We headed to one of our favorite parks last week to meet some friends while Matt ventured off to another bball tourney.  We've enjoyed this park for the last three summers now and it never fails to provide a lot of smiles and some very tired children in the end. =)  Emmitt is fearless and was enamored by the splashing fountains and gentle river.  He didn't seem to mind how many near-squishing-experiences he had with big kids.  He just splashed his little heart away...  

We have more than one picture of Madi in total "runner form" and they always make me smile. If you happened to see the "Phoebe" video of Madi on FaceBook you'll be happy to know she has drastically improved with her arm-pumping skills. =)

Such a brave little guy!

Emmitt and Jude.

Madi and Kade. =)

We missed getting pictures of Connor and baby Adriana. =( 

But there WILL be a next time! =)

And as free as our days have been, I still feel like we have plenty of routine to keep us on track.  Matt gets up between 6 and 7 every morning to go swim, which in turn gets me out of bed before the kids wake up (most days ;), and then we eat breakfast and begin our mourning chores before we decide what fun and exciting outside adventure we're going to enjoy for the day (the park, a walk, the backyard...)! I feel ever so blessed and I couldn't be more content.  Thank you, Jesus, for these long summer days and for this sweet little family of mine!!!

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